In modern swine production, management practices are constantly being refined to meet production demands while ensuring animal welfare. In a natural environment, piglets are weaned gradually between the 11th and 17th weeks of life, allowing for a smooth transition from maternal milk to a solid diet. In production systems, however, weaning is planned and occurs earlier, around the 3rd or 4th week, to address specific production needs while providing the best care possible within this context. Although this represents a significant change for piglets, careful management of this phase has been a major focus of the sector, aiming to minimize impacts and promote conditions that respect the animals' needs.
After weaning, piglets face various changes that increase stress and compromise their immunity. In addition to the absence of the mother, they are exposed to new environments and mixed with other litters, requiring reestablishment of social hierarchies. These conditions can lead to decreased immunity and a higher incidence of enteric diseases. To reduce these impacts, it is crucial to adopt specific care practices in environmental, nutritional, and health management.
The transfer of piglets from the farrowing house to the nursery should be done during cooler times of the day and in a calm manner, with animals distributed in pens homogeneously, considering size and sex. Before the piglets arrive, facilities must be cleaned, disinfected, dried, and have the appropriate downtime for sanitation observed. Constant ventilation in the environment is essential to prevent gas buildup and drafts that could affect the animals' comfort. The temperature during the first weeks in the nursery must be carefully controlled, starting at 28°C and reduced by 1°C each week. Using thermometers at the animals' level is essential for monitoring thermal comfort. Piglets huddling, with little movement and low feed and water intake, indicate cold stress, while spread-out animals with reddish skin suggest heat stress.
Small actions can contribute to the well-being of the piglets, such as environmental enrichment with simple toys like chains that stimulate natural behaviors and reduce stress. The pen stocking density must be appropriate, with at least 0.45 m² per piglet on solid floors and 0.33 m² on slatted floors, avoiding overcrowding and promoting animal comfort. Additionally, feeders and drinkers should be adjusted to the piglets' height to ensure all animals can eat and drink simultaneously. It is recommended to provide 10 to 13 cm of feeder space per piglet and one nipple drinker for every ten animals, with an ideal water flow rate of 250 ml per minute.
Nutritional management plays a key role in the development of piglets. To minimize the impacts of weaning, the first feed offered in the nursery should be the same used in the farrowing house to promote familiarity. Water and feed intake should be encouraged from the start, with offerings of gruels and hydrating solutions. Feeds for this phase are formulated with highly digestible ingredients, such as lactose and blood plasma, but should be gradually replaced with corn and soybean meal as the piglets' gastrointestinal tract matures. It is essential to ensure the cleanliness of feeders to prevent fermentation that could compromise feed intake.
Piglet health must be monitored daily. Animals showing signs of illness, dehydration, or impaired development should be separated and placed in specific pens to receive supplementation and, if necessary, medication. When handling piglets, such as during vaccinations, they should be treated carefully to avoid injuries or additional stress. Finally, constant monitoring and the adoption of good management practices are essential to ensure piglet welfare, healthy growth, and uniformity within groups, resulting in more efficient and sustainable production.