The process of caring for newborn piglets requires meticulous attention and specific practices to ensure these animals have a healthy and promising start to life. From the first moments after birth until weaning, every detail is crucial for the well-being of piglets and the success of swine farming.

Initial attention and preparation:
After birth, piglets are immediately subjected to a series of essential care. To begin, they are dried with a special powder to ensure they stay warm and free from moisture, which is vital for preventing health problems due to low temperatures and humid environments. Additionally, the umbilical cords of piglets are disinfected with iodine alcohol, a crucial measure to prevent umbilical infections and bleeding.
It is important to note that the first moments of life are critical for piglets, which is why they are quickly placed next to their mothers to receive warmth and colostrum, the first milk produced by the sows. Colostrum is rich in essential nutrients and antibodies, providing immunity to piglets and contributing to their health and resilience.
Warm environment and proper feeding:
Providing heat is essential for piglets, especially in the first weeks of life when they are not yet able to regulate their own body temperature. A simple heat lamp is used to provide warmth to newborn piglets, ensuring they remain warm and safe, away from the risk of being crushed by the mothers.
As piglets grow and develop, they are gradually transferred to an environment known as a creep area, where they receive specialized care. This environment is kept warm through incandescent lamps, creating ideal conditions for the healthy growth of piglets.
Weaning and proper management:
Weaning is a crucial phase in the development of piglets, and it is carried out with care and attention to ensure a smooth transition from maternal diet to solid foods. During this period, piglets are grouped according to their individual needs, ensuring they receive adequate nutrition and can develop healthily.
It is important to note that proper management of piglets and sows plays a fundamental role in preventing health problems and the overall well-being of the animals. This includes the removal and cauterization of piglets' tails to prevent bites and injuries, as well as ensuring that the farm facilities are always clean and well-maintained.
Caring for newborn piglets requires dedication, knowledge, and attention to detail. From initial care after birth to weaning and beyond, each step of the process requires specific practices and a conducive environment to ensure the success of swine farming and the well-being of the animals. By following carefully established protocols and investing in proper management, producers can ensure that piglets have a healthy and promising start to life, contributing to the success and sustainability of swine farming.